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I'm an indifferent Lenfag & Oliverfag mistranslator :3 You can use any translations I've done w/o crediting me but not the ones done by other awesome people. This blog is a Vocaloid DB for myself and hopefully for you as well. I hardly read any comments both on my yt channel and blog, so plz don't expect me to reply.


[Lyrics][Miku] Miracle Paint


lyrics & music: OSTER project karaoke

*I use Macron when romanizing.

yūyami no canvas ni wine red no yūhi o
miokutta kaeri michi
anata no heart wa mō watashi no koto egai teru no kana

konya wa jikan mo tappuri aru kara
anata dake no watashi de ite ageru yo
yukkuri to kokyū shite mitsume attara

hajimaru yo

miracle painting
kiseki no show time
mahō no hito fude de muchū ni sasete
tsume no saki made subete anata iro ni somete

okini iri no dress ni hoshi zora no lime light abi nagara
tokui ge ni odoru tsuma saki o
hisshi ni mitsumeru anata ureshisō

konya wa itsumo yori romantic ni
blue no hitomi ni konayuki no highlight
gyutto daki yosete koi no layer kasane tara

ugoki dasu

miracle painting
kiseki no romance
mahō no hito fude ni ai o komete
kami no saki made subete anata dake no mono yo

koyoi wa anata to ikutsu no yume o kazoeta kana
afureru omoi wa
kazoe kire nai tsutae kire nai
ii tsukuse nai mada mada tari nai

dakara mada owara naide

miracle painting
kiseki no show time
mahō no hito fude ni mō muchū yo
motto motto chōdai watashi dake no iro o

owara naide miracle painting
miwaku no technique
shiage wa mada chotto matte ite ne
anata ni tsutaeru kara kokoro kara no

I love you!




夕闇のキャンバスに ワインレッドの夕日を
見送った 帰り道
あなたのハートは もう私のこと描いてるのかな

今夜は 時間もたっぷりあるから
あなただけの 私でいてあげるよ
ゆっくりと深呼吸して 見つめ合ったら


miracle painting
キセキのshow time
魔法の一筆で 夢中にさせて
爪の先まで全て あなた色に染めて

りらる るぷりら らぱるぱ
らるり るぱりらる らぱるぴら
とぅら とぅりら るぱるぱるぱるぱ
ぴらるーら しゃばだでぃーら
ぱーるら ぱりりら るらるらるらるら
しゃーばだっ とぅらるしゃばでぃらー
ぴる ぴるとぅらとぅりらっとぅらる

ぱるりりぱらぱ しゃばどぅりららる
りら るらるりらーぱっぱっぴーら るらーら

ぴらる しゃーばだばっぱっぱっぱらっぱ

お気に入りのドレスに 星空のライムライト浴びながら
得意げに 踊るつま先を
必死に見つめるあなた 嬉しそう

今夜はいつもより ロマンチックに
ブルーの瞳に 粉雪のハイライト
ぎゅっと抱き寄せて 恋のレイヤー重ねたら


miracle painting
魔法の一筆に 愛をこめて
髪の先まで全て あなただけのものよ

今宵はあなたと 幾つの夢を数えたかな
数え切れない 伝え切れない
言い尽くせない まだまだ足りない

だから まだ終わらないで

miracle painting
キセキのshow time
魔法の一筆に もう夢中よ
もっともっと頂戴 私だけの色を

終わらないで miracle painting
仕上げはまだ ちょっと待っていてね
あなたに伝えるから 心からの

I love you!


[translyrics by Neibaku]

A painting canvas filled with hues
And deep scarlet setting sun
While I watched them walk by in the twilight
However does this mean that your heart is seeing me
Walking at your side?
And tonight I have quite a lot of spare time
That will belong to only you so be glad
After a deep breath we'll stare into each other's eyes
And so I will start

Miracle painting
Miraculous show time
With a magic brush come and take me away
From the tip of my toes to the top of my hair
Color me the same as you

Wearing my favorite dress
The starlight acts as the spot light for our broadway show
With feet that pranced so happily
You watched them so desperately
While smiling
So tonight let's go somewhere more romantic than usual
Putting neon snow on sparkly glittering blue eyes
And hold me tightly in your arms so that I feel love piling on me
Heart pounding

Miracle painting
Miraculous romance
I'll put all my love into a magic brush
From the tip of my toes to the top of my hair
They all belong to only you
Tonight with you
I lost count of my dreams
So many things
Can't count this, can't tell you, can't say enough
Cause there's so little time to tell you my love
So please don't stop this

Miracle painting
Miraculous show time
No point in painting I'm already long gone from here
But please keep working this canvas
These colours just for me
Don't stop me
Miracle painting
Wonderful technique
Finishing touch is not done so hold on a while
When I'm done I'll tell you just how much
I really do,
I love you!
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