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I'm an indifferent Lenfag & Oliverfag mistranslator :3 You can use any translations I've done w/o crediting me but not the ones done by other awesome people. This blog is a Vocaloid DB for myself and hopefully for you as well. I hardly read any comments both on my yt channel and blog, so plz don't expect me to reply.


[Trans][Luka][Yuki] Betsurehemu no yuki / Snow of Bethelem


music: Jinkō Monochrome

[non singable translation by narumo]

In a city where no snow fell
With the same of the star of the Xmas tree
Lived a man by himself
The man was poor, so in order to live today
He had to steal someone’s tomorrow

When Xmas was approaching
And the preparations for winter had begun
The man who did nothing but steal
Grew desirous of seeing snow

Looking up towards the skies everyday
Just praying turned up to be not enough
Until blood poured out of his throat,
He yelled at God

In a city where no snow fell
With the same of the star of the Xmas tree
Lived a man by himself

Xmas had finally come
The man who did nothing but steal
In order for someone to live today
Stole tomorrow

Looking up absent-mindedly at the skies
Just praying turned up to be boring
The gun in his trembling arms
He fired at the heavens

The first snow to fall
Just beautiful and cold
The flushed cheeks and the color red
Dyed completely in white, white
The first snow to fall
Just beautiful and cold
Everyone came together with a smiling face
Celebrating this small miracle

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