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I'm an indifferent Lenfag & Oliverfag mistranslator :3 You can use any translations I've done w/o crediting me but not the ones done by other awesome people. This blog is a Vocaloid DB for myself and hopefully for you as well. I hardly read any comments both on my yt channel and blog, so plz don't expect me to reply.


[Miku] Oratorio


music: Masami Tanzi / mp3 *click MP3を抽出

*I use Macron when romanizing.

yuki zori no oto ni mimi o suma shite ita
yadorigi no shita dewa tenshi no akubi

yuki no seiza ni tazuneta ate naki michi no yukue yukue
futari wa yubi o karameta kogoeru yoru no nezumi nezumi

tonakai no hana ni inori o kome te utae
niji iro no machi niwa hoshi tachi no nukegara

yuki no seiza ga sasayaku kotae wa itsumo soko ni soko ni
futari wa yami o oyoida ite tsuku kaze no sakana sakana

futari wa yubi o karameta kogoeru yoru no nezumi nezumi
futari wa yami o oyoida ite tsuku kaze no sakana sakana

futari wa hikari o motometa habataku dake no kotori kotori

futari wa karada kasaneta nemurenu tabi no hitsuji hitsuji


雪ぞりの音に 耳をすましていた 
やどり木の下では 天使のあくび

雪の星座に尋ねた あて無き道の ゆくえ ゆくえ 
二人は指をからめた 凍える夜の ねずみ ねずみ

トナカイの鼻に 祈りをこめて唄え 
虹色の街には 星たちのぬけがら

雪の星座が囁く 答えはいつも そこに そこに 
二人は闇を泳いだ 凍てつく風の さかな さかな

二人は指をからめた 凍える夜の ねずみ ねずみ 
二人は闇を泳いだ 凍てつく風の さかな さかな

二人は光もとめた 羽ばたくだけの ことり ことり 

二人は体かさねた 眠れぬ旅の ひつじ ひつじ

[non singable translation] thx to lordxwillie for proofreading

In order to hear the sound of sleds I strain my ears
Under the mistletoe, angels yawn

I ask winter constellations to where aimless streets lead us
The two entwine their fingers like rats of a freezing night

Sing "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and pray 
In rainbow-colored towns empty stars twinkle

Winter constellations whisper; answers are always there
The two swim in darkness like fish of freezing wind

The two entwine their fingers like rats of a freezing night
The two swim in darkness like fish of freezing wind

The two seek the light like little birds that can only flap their wings
The two sleep together like sheep on a sleepless trip


[IA][Lyrics][Trans] Hakoniwa no Yume / What A Miniature Garden Dreams


music: Hitoshizuku P × YamaΔ / off vocal

*I use Macron when romanizing.

kawaita tsuchi ni sotto amatsubu ga nagare teku
furi dashita kosame ga kuroi fuku no sode o nurasu
futa tsuki no beddo de hanabira mōfu wa atatakai?
muse kaeru yōna shirayuri kimi wa gussuri to nemutteru no

mukashi kimi ga mita yume futari wa tori ni nari tobi tatsu
sora no hate o sagashi te zutto zutto tobi tsuzuke te

hane ushinatta tori wa tobe nai mama hitori

kurai yume ni ochita kimi o machi tsuzukeru
oware nai ai no naka de kimi wa me o tojita
tada neterun deshō?
tada neterun deshō?

semai hako no beddo no ue

son'na ni negokochi īno kana?
soro soro mezame temo īyo?
nē nē mō asa dayo

hane ushinatta tori wa tobe nai mama hitori

kurai yume ni ochita kimi o machi tsuzukeru
saken de inotte mogai temo kimi no yume wa same nai
nē me o ake te
nē me o ake teyo

kimi ushinatta boku wa tobe nai mama hitori

kurai yume ni ochi te hane o machi tsuzukeru
oware nai ai no naka de sakebi goe wa yama nai
mada tobi tate nai
mada tobi tate nai


乾いた土にそっと 雨粒が流れてく 
降りだした小雨が 黒い服の袖を濡らす 
蓋つきのベッドで 花びら毛布は暖かい? 
咽せ返るような白百合 君はぐっすりと眠ってるの

昔君が見た夢 二人は鳥になり飛び立つ 
空の果てを探して ずっとずっと飛び続けて

羽失った鳥は 飛べないまま一人 
暗い夢に堕ちた 君を待ち続ける 
終われない愛の中で 君は瞳を閉じた 
ただ 寝てるんでしょう? 
ただ 寝てるんでしょう?

ねぇ ねぇ もう 朝だよ

羽失った鳥は 飛べないまま一人 
暗い夢に堕ちた 君を待ち続ける 
叫んで祈ってもがいても 君の夢は覚めない 
ねぇ 瞳を開けて 
ねぇ 瞳を開けてよ

君失った僕は 飛べないまま一人 
暗い夢に堕ちて 羽を待ち続ける 
終われない愛の中で 叫び声は止まない 
まだ 飛び立てない 
まだ 飛び立てない

[non singable translation] thx to lordxwillie for proofreading

Raindrops fall onto the dry land softly
The drizzle wets my black sleeve
In the bed with a lid can you feel the warmth of the blanket of flowers?
Surrounded by the thick air of white Lilium, you sleep peacefully

In the past you dreamed a dream that the two become birds and fly away
Looking for the sky's limit, they keep flying

Unable to fly alone, a wingless bird
Waits for you who has gone beyond a dark dream
You close your eyes in the everlasting love
Please tell me you're in a deep sleep
Please tell me you're in a deep sleep

In such a small bed
Can you really sleep well?
You should wake up soon
Sweetheart, it's morning already

Unable to fly alone, a wingless bird
Waits for you who has gone beyond a dark dream
No matter how hard I scream, pray or struggle you don't wake from your dream
Sweetheart, please open your eyes
Sweetheart, I'm begging you to open your eyes

I can't fly without you
Falling into a dark dream, I wait for the wings to come back
I keep hearing the shriek in the everlasting love
I still can't fly away

I still can't fly away


[Miku][Lyrics] Yoku Aru Rin'ne to Neko no Hanashi / The Old Story of Reincarnation and a Cat


music: Kotsuban P / mp3 *click MP3を抽出 /  off vocal

*I use Macron when romanizing.

hanayaka na ōdōri no sute rareta kōmori gasa no shita
kutabireta shippo age te kezukurou kuroneko ari mashita

"choito michi yuku soko no ojō san oide kokora de hitotsu hanashi mashō"
neko wa iu "kyō no hanashi wa sōda mukashi ni robata de kīta yukai na hiren nado"

"mukashi majiwara zaru mi no ue no awai koi ni oboreta karasu to usagi ga imashita"
"kanawa nai yume nano deshō? okinodoku sama"
"īe tsumetai tabiji no hate ni futari karada o sute te musubareta no desu"
"nan daka okashi na hanashi ne"

usume buku gairoju o nagame miru haikara fuku no yoko
kutabireta shippo futte te o maneku kuroneko ari mashita

"kore wa itsuka no kawaī ojō san kyō wa mohitotsu hanashi kikase mashō"
neko wa iu "sōda na kyō wa ēto shitto no honō ni matta minikui chō no hanashi"

"soshite tsugai o hanareta ageha wa katsute aishita osu o kui arashi mashita"
"dōyara ari fureta gūwa no yō ne oainiku sama"
"īe tsūkai naru kigeki niwa mugotarashī ochi ga tsukimono nano desu"
"nan daka mukuware nai hanashi ne"

"yāya mata mata atta ojō san kyō wa saigo ni hitotsu kikase mashō"
neko wa tou shagareta koe de "go zonji darō ka hyakkai ikita oshaberi neko no hanashi"

"toki ni kanten kichi no yoru mo mata wa rōshō fujō iikinoki no yo mo"
"naruhodo wadai niwa kaka nai yō ne goshūshō sama"
"furi kaeru saki ni neko wa naku machi no kaze ni yureru amagasa kara kara"
"nan daka fukashigi na hanashi ne ――ah"
musume wa warau "koyoi wa ame kashira"


華やかな大通りの 棄てられた蝙蝠傘の下
草臥れた尻尾上げて 毛繕う黒猫在りました



薄芽吹く街路樹を 眺め見るハイカラ服の横
草臥れた尻尾振って 手を招く黒猫在りました

猫は云う「そうだな今日は、ええと 嫉妬の炎に舞った醜い蝶の噺」



「振り返る先に猫は無く 街の風に揺れる雨傘カラカラ」

[translyrics by Sumi]

In a flamboyant high street, there was
Under an abandoned rainshade whose color pitch black
Raising its worn out tail straight in the air
A black cat just grooming its long hair line

Pardon me miss, you walking by the street such in a rush
Why don't you stay a while and talk to this old forsaken bloke?
Then the cat says
Today's feature will be, why yes, Such an old forgotten tale Ionce heard of
a ludicrous and tragic love

Once upon a time there was a hare and crow
Who fell in love with whom they destined be apart forevr, as its been told
Soit's an unattainable dream?
A pity to hear,sir
But listen, at the of their cold journey,
They were united by disposing of their flesh and bones
well I must say, what an odd and strange little tale

Gazing at roadside trees burgeoning
Wrapped in a striking high collared dainty wear
Waving its worn out tail, right beside
A black cat just beckoning with its furry paw

Why if it isn't the darling miss here we meet again
Today I'll tell you yet another intriguing little tale
Then the cat says Let me see for today,
why not, A dreadful tale of a butterfly who danced
the very flames of enviousness?

So then the swallowtail disregarded from her pair
Came to devour that male com panion she once loved
Seems to me like another imbecilic story.
Too bad for you, sir
But listen, at the end of a thrilling comedy,
There should always be an appalling and brutal finale
Well I must say, what a disheartening little tale

Well if we meet again little miss, what a lovely day,
Today's the day I tell the very last tale I have to tell
Then the cat asks, in his raggedy voice,
Do you happen to know the tale of a talking cat
who lived one hundred lives

At times eternal bliss at a night with no regret,
Or either dying young, and even dying far from home
You indeed seem never to run out of your stories.
I'm sorry for you, sir
Looking back the cat was nowhere to be found
Just a lonely rainshade rattling in the silent breeze
Well I must say, what an inconceivable tale,
The girl smiles and says, I wonder if it rains tonight


[Lyrics][Rin][Len][Trans] Synchronicity ~Dai Sanshō Meguru Sekai no Rekuiemu~ / Synchronicity -Third Chapter Requiem of the Endless World-


music: Hitoshizuku P&Yama△ / mp3 
*click MP3を抽出 / off vocal

*I use Macron when romanizing.

Blue=Len, Red=Rin, Both=Orange

toki no yuri kago de
tsumetai yume o miru
kimi ga utatte kureta
yasashī yasashī komori uta

kimi ga nozonda nowa?

――owara nu sekai――
ore ga nozomu nowa
――sekai no owari…?――
eraba reshi koe wa
mayoi urei
――warai itawari――

kanashimi o kurushimi o
――yorokobi ni egao ni kae te――
mukuwarezu ni kimi wa kuchite iku no?
――tada inoru――
sukui tai tada kimi dake o
――mamori tai kono sekai――
omoi wa majiwara nai 

inochi o kono te de subete owa rase tai
――meguri meguru sekai ni yasuragi to shukufuku o――
ā todoka nai
――tsutawara nai yo――
negai wa munashisa dake o nokoshi te


naze? subete ubaware

――mirai o terashi te――
itami kurushimi seowa sare temo…
――towa ni tuzuku rekuiemu――
aragae nai sadame o
――hikari o sadame o――
subete ima toki hanatsu
――yami o toki hanatsu――

kimi ga nozonda nowa?
――anata no mirai――
ore ga nozonda nowa…naze?
――modora nu ano hi…?――
oi tsuzuketa nowa yasashī egao
sore dake nanoni

zetsubō o kibō ni kae te
――owara nai utagoe o――
sakebi tsuzuke te horobiru sadame nara
――tada inoru――
semete ima tomurai no
――hateshi naku tōku tōku――
uta yo hibike

meguri meguru sekai ni yasuragi to shukufuku o
hikari o sadame o yami o toki hanate

owara nai zetsubō o

――utagoe o kibō ni kae te――
mukuwarezu ni kimi wa kuchi te iku no?
――sakebi tsuzuke te tada inoru――
semete ima tomurai no
――hateshi naku tōku tōku――
uta yo hibike

kimi ga nozonda nowa…
ore ga nozonda nowa…
noko sareta koe wa nageki
kimi o omoi nagara
hitori kimi no tame ni utau
hitori kimi no tame ni utau

inochi o kono te de subete nemurase tara

――meguri meguru sekai ni yasuragi to shukufuku o――
ā kuchi te iku
――sadame wa owari――
kono mi wa kimi to nara doko made demo…

hajimaru koe subete kanae te
――mirai o terashi te――
horobi chiri yuku kono mi to tomo ni
――towa ni tsuzuku rekuiemu――
aragae nai sadame o
――hikari o sadame o――
subete ima toki hanachi
――yami o toki hanachi――

hikari no soko ni nemure

Synchronicity~第三章 巡る世界のレクイエム~

優しい 優しい 子守唄


悲しみを 苦しみを
――喜びに 笑顔に変えて――
報われずに 君は朽ちていくの?
想いは 交わらない

命を この手で全て、終わらせたい
――巡り巡る世界に やすらぎと祝福を――
ああ 届かない


何故? 全て奪われ
――闇を 解き放つ――

追い続けたのは 優しい笑顔

叫び続けて 滅びる運命(さだめ)なら
――果てしなく 遠く遠く――
歌よ 響け

巡り巡る世界に やすらぎと祝福を

報われずに 君は朽ちていくの?
――叫び続けて ただ祈る――
歌よ 響け

残された声は 嘆き

命を この手で全て、眠らせたら
――巡り巡る世界に やすらぎと祝福を――
この身は 君とならどこまででも・・・

はじまる声 全て叶えて
滅び、散り逝く この身とともに


[non singable translation] thx to lordxwillie for proofreading

In the cradle of time
I dreamed a cold dream
You sang for me
A soft and gentle lullaby

What you want is?
――The world that never ends――
What I want is
――The end of the world…?――
The chosen voice,
With hesitation and grief
――With smiles and consolations――
Keeps singing

From sadness and suffering
Into pleasant smiles
Unappreciated, are you to perish?
――All I can do is to pray――
I want to save you, just you
――I want to protect this world――
Our desires go different ways
I want to end all life by my hands
――I want to bring peace and blessings to the endless world――
Ah, I can't reach you
――My heart can't reach you――
Our wishes leave only desolation

The time has come

Why? Taken away everything,
――Illuminate the future――
You are doomed to suffer, even so…
――The requiem lasts forever――
Our undeniable fate
――Light and fate――
I'll free everything now
――I'll free the darkness――

What you want is?
――Your future――
What I want… makes me confused
――That day in the past…?――
What we pursue is your gentle smile
That's all

Change endless despair into hope
--With an endless voice--
If you're fated to perish as you keep screaming
――I'll just pray――
For now, a funeral song
――Eternally, further and further away――
Must resound

I want to bring peace and blessings to the endless world
Light, fate and darkness, let them all free 

Change endless despair into hope
--With an endless voice--
Unappreciated, are you to perish?
――I'll keep screaming just to pray――
For now, a funeral song
――Eternally, further and further away――
Must resound

What you wanted was…
What I wanted was…
My lonely voice mourns
As I think of you
By myself, I will sing a song just for you
By myself, I will sing a song just for you

After I make all life sleep by my hands
――I want to bring peace and blessings to the endless world――
Ah, I am willing to perish
――My fate has come to an end――
With you forever and ever…

I start singing to fulfill our wishes
――Illuminate the future――
I'm to perish and decay
――The requiem lasts forever――
Our undeniable fate
――Light and fate――
I'll free everything now
――I'll free the darkness――
At the bottom of the light, rest in peace

[translyrics by Chaz]

Swaying in the cradle of time
All I dreamt were dreams frozen cold
But along then wavered that gentle rhyme
You had sang a lullaby, which I'll hold on close

What was it that you had prayed for?
- A world that would never end -
Certainly, not my chosen course
- The world ending by your hand? -

Voices born out of destiny
Desperately - gladly -
Lost within
- I'll keep singing -
Ancient songs

All my darkest griefs - I'll melt into joy -
Turn my agony - Into a smile with my voice -
Are you rotting into an ending so hopeless too?
- I'm just praying to somehow reprimand the world from its end -
Blindly fighting through, just to take your hand
- I'll have my wish - If only we'd meet

Wish that I could reach out and just end every life other than ours
- On and on it spins round, our fates weave the ground -
- I will bless it with peace and love all around -
I can't deliver
- There's no way to convey -
This dream that I have
A mere fantasy shattered and left behind

It's beginning

Why did they take all the good away?
- I shall become the future's bright ray -
Yet the pain, yet the suffering, were burdens the same
- Singing a requiem till the end of my days-
I shall clash against this forsaken fate
- Light will pierce this forsaken fate -
Just let everything be released today
- Darkness will be released today -

What is it that you look toward?
- For you to have a future -
Could it be the same as me or... or what?
- Since the day of no return -
Chased and carried on for so long
But to see your smiling face is the only thing I want

Never-ending songs - breaking your despair -
You keep chanting on - hoping you would hear my prayer -
Calling till your throat droughts, you're sure to waste and fade somehow now
- I'm here wishing still -
- There's no telling when, extending without end -
Running out of time, at least I'll let my
Tortured voice echo through

On and on it spins round, our fates weave the ground
I will bless it with peace and love all around
Light will pierce this forsaken fate
Darkness will be released today

Everlasting grief - Will you sing for me? -
Turning my pain into hope
- Are you rotting into an ending so hopele-ss too? -
I'm here praying still
There's no telling when, extending without end
- Running out of time, at least I'll let my -
Tortured voice echo through

What was is that you looked toward...
What was is that I had searched for...
All what's left of your singing voice
Is a sigh because I had missed you all my life
All this time, singing for you in my solitude
All this time, singing for you in my...

Wish that I could reach out and just end every life other than ours
- On and on it spins round, our fates weave the ground -
- I will bless it with peace and love all around -
Ahh, if there's really no more to be told
- The story is ending, no more to be told -
Take me with you, wherever, I'll follow you there

It's beginning, my voice shredding away all there is
- I shall become the future's bright ray -
Blast away, fly stray, my whole flesh and soul but
- Singing a requiem till the end of my days-
I shall accept my forsaken fate
- Light will pierce this forsaken fate -
Just let everything be released today
- Darkness will be released today -

At the bottom of pure light
Never to wake


[Lyrics][Gumi][Trans] Shion / I Won't Forget You


music: Mikenekotei / lyrics: niseino-hitoduma / mp3 / off vocal

*I use Macron when romanizing.

me o toji te mieru egao
ichiban ni ukabu anata no sono hyōjō
sukoshi kodomo ppoku te
tereya de yasashī anata no
zenbu zenbu itoshī no

massuguna hitomi no oku ni
utsuru nowa tōi basho
oi kake te mitemo
todoka nai no

te o nobasu anata eto
sono te ni nanimo tsukame nai mama
jijitsu ni me o sorashi te
sure chigau kokoro o osae te
sukoshi ato sukoshi koko ni isase te

kono hitomi ni utsuru hito wa
tada hitori anata dake
kono kimochi dake wa
kese nai kara

anata ga suki
dare yorimo zutto zutto
dakara waratte iu yo
sayonara dōka oshiawase ni


目を閉じて 見える笑顔
一番に浮かぶ あなたのその表情

真っ直ぐな 瞳の奥に

手を延ばす あなたへと
少しあと少し ココに居させて

この瞳に 映る人は
ただ一人 あなただけ

だから 笑って言うよ

[non singable translation] thx to lordxwillie for proofreading

Whenever I close my eyes, I see your smile
The first thing that comes to my mind is your face
You are a little childlike,
Shy and sweet‐tempered
I love everything about you

Deep inside your pure eyes
Reflect someplace far from here
No matter how hard I pursue it
I can't reach it

I reach out my hand to you
Only to find I can't hold anything
Looking away from the truth
I put aside my heart which remains apart from yours
Please let me stay here a little bit longer 

The only person
Who comes into my eyes is you
I can never get rid of
My love for you

Because I love you
More than anyone or anything
Let me tell you with a smile
Good-bye, I wish you a happy life

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