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I'm an indifferent Lenfag & Oliverfag mistranslator :3 You can use any translations I've done w/o crediting me but not the ones done by other awesome people. This blog is a Vocaloid DB for myself and hopefully for you as well. I hardly read any comments both on my yt channel and blog, so plz don't expect me to reply.


[Lyrics][Trans][Meiko[Miku] Kurayami no Oku ni / In The Depth of Darkness


music: Shado

*I use Macron when romanizing.

kurai hosoi yomichi tachi naranda kodachi
fuki nukeru kaze ga tsumetaku hoho tataku
ushiro o furi kaeru hikari mo todoka nai
kurayami no okusoko de nanika ga umare teru

nagai saka o noboru itsu made tsuzuku noka
owari nai nobori zaka keisha ga tsuzuku
ashimoto kara hibiku fushigi na warai goe
furi mui te mita keredo kurayami ga tsuzuku yo

kurai yami no oku de nanika ga ugomei te
chikazui te kuru noga kochira kara mieru
jibun no ashimoto ni matowari tsuku kage ga
sukoshi dake ugoki dasu watashi to ire kawaru

mukō kara nanika chikazui te kuru



暗い細い夜道 立ち並んだ木立
吹き抜ける風が 冷たく頬叩く
後ろを振り返る 光も届かない
暗闇の奥底で 何かが生まれてる

長い坂を登る 何時まで続くのか
終わり無い上り坂 傾斜が続く
足元から響く 不思議な笑い声
振り向いてみたけれど 暗闇が続くよ


暗い闇の奥で 何かがうごめいて
近づいて来るのが こちらから見える
自分の足元に まとわりつく影が
少しだけ動き出す 私と入れ替わる



[non singable translation] thx to Neibaku for proofreading

A dark narrow path at night
Flanked by a clump of trees
Sweeping chilly wind pats my cheeks
I look over my shoulder
No light reaches here
In the depth of darkness
Something is born

I ascend a long slope
When can I stop?
An endless ascent is ahead of me
Weird cackles from the ground
I look over my shoulder
Unending darkness is aback from me

In the depth of darkness
Something is wriggling
I can see it coming to me from here
A shadow clinging to my feet
Replaces with me who began to take action a little

Something is coming to me from over there

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