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I'm an indifferent Lenfag & Oliverfag mistranslator :3 You can use any translations I've done w/o crediting me but not the ones done by other awesome people. This blog is a Vocaloid DB for myself and hopefully for you as well. I hardly read any comments both on my yt channel and blog, so plz don't expect me to reply.


[IA][Lyrics][Trans] Hakoniwa no Yume / What A Miniature Garden Dreams


music: Hitoshizuku P × YamaΔ / off vocal

*I use Macron when romanizing.

kawaita tsuchi ni sotto amatsubu ga nagare teku
furi dashita kosame ga kuroi fuku no sode o nurasu
futa tsuki no beddo de hanabira mōfu wa atatakai?
muse kaeru yōna shirayuri kimi wa gussuri to nemutteru no

mukashi kimi ga mita yume futari wa tori ni nari tobi tatsu
sora no hate o sagashi te zutto zutto tobi tsuzuke te

hane ushinatta tori wa tobe nai mama hitori

kurai yume ni ochita kimi o machi tsuzukeru
oware nai ai no naka de kimi wa me o tojita
tada neterun deshō?
tada neterun deshō?

semai hako no beddo no ue

son'na ni negokochi īno kana?
soro soro mezame temo īyo?
nē nē mō asa dayo

hane ushinatta tori wa tobe nai mama hitori

kurai yume ni ochita kimi o machi tsuzukeru
saken de inotte mogai temo kimi no yume wa same nai
nē me o ake te
nē me o ake teyo

kimi ushinatta boku wa tobe nai mama hitori

kurai yume ni ochi te hane o machi tsuzukeru
oware nai ai no naka de sakebi goe wa yama nai
mada tobi tate nai
mada tobi tate nai


乾いた土にそっと 雨粒が流れてく 
降りだした小雨が 黒い服の袖を濡らす 
蓋つきのベッドで 花びら毛布は暖かい? 
咽せ返るような白百合 君はぐっすりと眠ってるの

昔君が見た夢 二人は鳥になり飛び立つ 
空の果てを探して ずっとずっと飛び続けて

羽失った鳥は 飛べないまま一人 
暗い夢に堕ちた 君を待ち続ける 
終われない愛の中で 君は瞳を閉じた 
ただ 寝てるんでしょう? 
ただ 寝てるんでしょう?

ねぇ ねぇ もう 朝だよ

羽失った鳥は 飛べないまま一人 
暗い夢に堕ちた 君を待ち続ける 
叫んで祈ってもがいても 君の夢は覚めない 
ねぇ 瞳を開けて 
ねぇ 瞳を開けてよ

君失った僕は 飛べないまま一人 
暗い夢に堕ちて 羽を待ち続ける 
終われない愛の中で 叫び声は止まない 
まだ 飛び立てない 
まだ 飛び立てない

[non singable translation] thx to lordxwillie for proofreading

Raindrops fall onto the dry land softly
The drizzle wets my black sleeve
In the bed with a lid can you feel the warmth of the blanket of flowers?
Surrounded by the thick air of white Lilium, you sleep peacefully

In the past you dreamed a dream that the two become birds and fly away
Looking for the sky's limit, they keep flying

Unable to fly alone, a wingless bird
Waits for you who has gone beyond a dark dream
You close your eyes in the everlasting love
Please tell me you're in a deep sleep
Please tell me you're in a deep sleep

In such a small bed
Can you really sleep well?
You should wake up soon
Sweetheart, it's morning already

Unable to fly alone, a wingless bird
Waits for you who has gone beyond a dark dream
No matter how hard I scream, pray or struggle you don't wake from your dream
Sweetheart, please open your eyes
Sweetheart, I'm begging you to open your eyes

I can't fly without you
Falling into a dark dream, I wait for the wings to come back
I keep hearing the shriek in the everlasting love
I still can't fly away

I still can't fly away
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