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I'm an indifferent Lenfag & Oliverfag mistranslator :3 You can use any translations I've done w/o crediting me but not the ones done by other awesome people. This blog is a Vocaloid DB for myself and hopefully for you as well. I hardly read any comments both on my yt channel and blog, so plz don't expect me to reply.


[Miku] Oratorio


music: Masami Tanzi / mp3 *click MP3を抽出

*I use Macron when romanizing.

yuki zori no oto ni mimi o suma shite ita
yadorigi no shita dewa tenshi no akubi

yuki no seiza ni tazuneta ate naki michi no yukue yukue
futari wa yubi o karameta kogoeru yoru no nezumi nezumi

tonakai no hana ni inori o kome te utae
niji iro no machi niwa hoshi tachi no nukegara

yuki no seiza ga sasayaku kotae wa itsumo soko ni soko ni
futari wa yami o oyoida ite tsuku kaze no sakana sakana

futari wa yubi o karameta kogoeru yoru no nezumi nezumi
futari wa yami o oyoida ite tsuku kaze no sakana sakana

futari wa hikari o motometa habataku dake no kotori kotori

futari wa karada kasaneta nemurenu tabi no hitsuji hitsuji


雪ぞりの音に 耳をすましていた 
やどり木の下では 天使のあくび

雪の星座に尋ねた あて無き道の ゆくえ ゆくえ 
二人は指をからめた 凍える夜の ねずみ ねずみ

トナカイの鼻に 祈りをこめて唄え 
虹色の街には 星たちのぬけがら

雪の星座が囁く 答えはいつも そこに そこに 
二人は闇を泳いだ 凍てつく風の さかな さかな

二人は指をからめた 凍える夜の ねずみ ねずみ 
二人は闇を泳いだ 凍てつく風の さかな さかな

二人は光もとめた 羽ばたくだけの ことり ことり 

二人は体かさねた 眠れぬ旅の ひつじ ひつじ

[non singable translation] thx to lordxwillie for proofreading

In order to hear the sound of sleds I strain my ears
Under the mistletoe, angels yawn

I ask winter constellations to where aimless streets lead us
The two entwine their fingers like rats of a freezing night

Sing "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and pray 
In rainbow-colored towns empty stars twinkle

Winter constellations whisper; answers are always there
The two swim in darkness like fish of freezing wind

The two entwine their fingers like rats of a freezing night
The two swim in darkness like fish of freezing wind

The two seek the light like little birds that can only flap their wings
The two sleep together like sheep on a sleepless trip
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